
Thursday 19 September 2013

Hawker Siddeley HS-121 Trident Memories

Back in the mid seventies I remember on nice hot sunny days getting on my bike and riding from my home in Windsor to the bottom of Heathrow’s 10L. I would take a packed lunch and sit for hours on the grass and watch aircraft zooming over my head as they touched down. When I smell the fuel now at work it always takes me back to those magic days at the end of the runway or watching aircraft from the top of the Queens Building at the heart of Heathrow.

...and another ZZzzzz

Along with the wonderful smoky and noisy Caravelles, DC-8s, Viscounts etc (I could go on and on) I got so bored of seeing endless British Airways  Tridents. I confess now in the days of all look-a-like jets, how I would love to see a Trident in the air again! Looking back now I think it is time to remember this odd 3 engine beast (or 4 as in the case of the Trident 3Bs). Many pictures are about of BEA/BA’s Tridents so here are most of the others...

Nice colours and photo of  Air Ceylon's Trident 1E 4R-ACN (cn 2135)
See below...

Trident 1E 4R-ACN (cn 2135) Air Lanka after country & airline name change.
I don't think this aircraft ever flew in the new colours?

 A great landing shot of Trident 2E B-2210 (cn 2178) CAAC 

 Trident 1E  G-AVYC (cn 2137) of BKS Air Transport
See below...
Another of  Trident 1E  G-AVYC (cn 2137) this time in Northeast Colours

Chinese Air Force Trident 1E 50051 (cn 2130) 

Trident 2E 5B-DAB (cn 2155) Cyprus Airways

Trident 1E YI-AEA  (cn 2125) Iraqi Airways

Trident 1E  G-AVYB (cn 2136) Channel Airways

Trident 1E 9K-ACH (cn 2134) Kuwait Airways

 Trident 1E AP-AUG (cn 2133) PIA
See below...

Another of Trident 1E AP-AUG (cn 2133) in Pakistan Air Force Colours

Trident 3B 9Q-CTM (cn 2304) Air Charters Zaire

HS-121 Trident 3B G-AWKZ (cn 2312) It was painted by BA Engineering
in BA's Landor colours but never flew like this. Very smart!
See Below...

 Trident 3B G-AWKZ (cn 2312) as she looks in 2013 at Manchester Airport
in BEA colours.  Not bored with Tridents now!
Photo by The Aviation Anorak

Chinese Air Force Trident  50051:

BEA Trident 3B G-AWKZ :

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